Metal Wire


Electro Galvanized Iron Wire

Electro Galvanized Iron Wire is also known as electric galvanized iron wire or galvanized steel wire. Shenzhou City Hongli Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd. produces electric galvanized wire at diameter ranging from 0.14mm to 5.0mm, which can be supplied in the form of coils, spools, U type wire or straight wire and cut into tie wire.

Wire Diameter of Electro Galvanized Iron Wire: 0.14mm - 5.0mm.
Zinc coating for Electro Galvanized Iron Wire: about 10-20g/m2
Production Process of Electro Galvanized Iron Wire:
Steel rod coil -- Wire Drawing -- Wire Annealing--Rust Removing-- Acid Washing-- Boiling-- Drying-- Zinc Feeding-- Wire Coiling.

Gauge      SWG BWG BG AWG
# inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm
0 0.324 8.23 0.34 8.639 0.3954 10.069 0.3249 8.252
1 0.3 7.62 0.03 7.62 0.3532 8.971 0.2893 7.348
2 0.276 7.01 0.284 7.214 0.3147 7.993 0.2576 6.544
3 0.252 6.401 0.259 6.579 0.2804 7.122 0.2294 5.827
4 0.232 5.893 0.283 6.045 0.25 6.35 0.2043 5.189
5 0.212 5.385 0.22 5.588 0.2225 5.652 0.1819 4.621
6 0.192 4.877 0.203 5.156 0.1981 5.032 0.162 4.115
7 0.176 4.47 0.18 4.572 0.1764 4.481 0.1443 3.665
8 0.16 4.046 0.165 4.191 0.157 3.988 0.1285 3.264
9 0.144 3.658 0.148 3.759 0.1398 3.551 0.1144 2.906
10 0.128 3.215 0.134 3.404 0.125 3.175 0.1019 2.588
11 0.116 2.946 0.12 3.048 0.1113 2.827 0.0907 2.305
12 0.104 2.642 0.109 2.769 0.0991 2.517 0.0808 2.053
13 0.092 2.337 0.095 2.413 0.0882 2.24 0.072 1.828
14 0.08 2.032 0.083 2.108 0.0785 1.994 0.0641 1.628
15 0.072 1.829 0.072 1.829 0.0699 1.775 0.0571 1.45
16 0.064 1.626 0.065 1.651 0.0625 1.588 0.0508 1.291
17 0.056 1.422 0.058 1.473 0.0556 1.412 0.0453 1.15
18 0.048 1.219 0.049 1.245 0.0495 1.257 0.0403 1.024
19 0.04 1.016 0.042 1.067 0.044 1.118 0.0359 0.912
20 0.036 0.914 0.035 0.839 0.0392 0.996 0.032 0.812
21 0.032 0.813 0.032 0.831 0.349 0.887 0.0285 0.723
22 0.028 0.711 0.028 0.711 0.03125 0.749 0.02535 0.644
23 0.024 0.61 0.025 0.635 0.02782 0.707 0.02256 0.573
24 0.022 0.559 0.022 0.559 0.02476 0.629 0.02011 0.511
25 0.02 0.508 0.02 0.508 0.02204 0.56 0.01791 0.455
26 0.018 0.457 0.018 0.457 0.01961 0.498 0.01594 0.405
27 0.0164 0.417 0.016 0.406 0.01745 0.443 0.0142 0.361
28 0.0148 0.376 0.014 0.356 0.01562 0.397 0.01264 0.321
29 0.0136 0.345 0.013 0.33 0.0139 0.353 0.01126 0.286
30 0.0124 0.315 0.012 0.305 0.0123 0.312 0.01003 0.255
31 0.0116 0.295 0.01 0.254 0.011 0.27 0.00893 0.227
32 0.0108 0.274 0.009 0.229 0.0098 0.249 0.00795 0.202
33 0.01 0.254 0.008 0.203 0.0087 0.221 0.00708 0.18
34 0.0092 0.234 0.007 0.178 0.0077 0.196 0.0063 0.16
35 0.0084 0.213 0.005 0.127 0.0069 0.175 0.00561 0.143
36 0.0076 0.193 0.004 0.102 0.0061 0.155 0.005 0.127